Gazebo Gui

API Reference

gz/gui/Conversions.hh File Reference
#include <gz/msgs/time.pb.h>
#include <gz/common/Time.hh>
#include <gz/math/Color.hh>
#include <gz/math/Vector2.hh>
#include <gz/math/Vector3.hh>
#include "gz/gui/qt.h"
#include "gz/gui/Export.hh"

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msgs::Time convert (const common::Time &_t)
 Convert an gz::common::Time to an gz::msgs::Time. More...
QColor convert (const math::Color &_color)
 Return the equivalent qt color. More...
QPointF convert (const math::Vector2d &_pt)
 Return the equivalent QPointF. More...
QVector3D convert (const math::Vector3d &_vec)
 Return the equivalent qt vector 3d. More...
common::Time convert (const msgs::Time &_t)
 Convert an gz::msgs::Time to an gz::common::Time. More...
math::Color convert (const QColor &_color)
 Return the equivalent gazebo color. More...
common::MouseEvent convert (const QMouseEvent &_e)
 Return the equivalent gazebo mouse event. More...
math::Vector2d convert (const QPointF &_pt)
 Return the equivalent gazebo vector. More...
math::Vector3d convert (const QVector3D &_vec)
 Return the equivalent gazebo vector 3d. More...