Gazebo Physics

API Reference

Feature.hh File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <gz/physics/Export.hh>
#include <gz/physics/Entity.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Feature::Engine< Policy, FeaturesT >
 Placeholder class for the Engine API. Every Engine feature MUST inherit this class. More...
class  Feature
 This class defines the concept of a Feature. It should be inherited by classes that define some plugin feature. More...
class  Feature::Implementation< Policy >
class  Feature::Joint< Policy, FeaturesT >
 Placeholder class in case a Feature does not define its own Joint API. More...
class  Feature::Link< Policy, FeaturesT >
 Placeholder class in case a Feature does not define its own Link API. More...
class  Feature::Model< Policy, FeaturesT >
 Placeholder class in case a Feature does not define its own Model API. More...
class  Feature::Shape< Policy, FeaturesT >
 Placeholder class in case a Feature does not define its own Shape API. More...
class  Feature::World< Policy, FeaturesT >
 Placeholder class in case a Feature does not define its own World API. More...

