Gazebo Physics

API Reference

RelativeQuantity.hh File Reference
#include <gz/physics/FrameID.hh>
#include <gz/physics/FrameData.hh>
#include <gz/physics/detail/RelativeQuantity.hh>

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class  RelativeQuantity< Q, Dim, CoordinateSpace >
 The RelativeQuantity class is a wrapper for classes that represent mathematical quantities (e.g. points, vectors, matrices, transforms). The purpose of this wrapper is to endow raw mathematical quantities with frame semantics, so that they can express the frame of reference of their values. More...


namespace  gz
namespace  gz::physics


using RelativeAlignedBox = RelativeQuantity< AlignedBox< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::AABBSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RelativeForce = RelativeQuantity< LinearVector< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::VectorSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RelativeFrameData = RelativeQuantity< FrameData< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::FrameSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using RelativePose = RelativeQuantity< Pose< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::SESpace< Scalar, Dim > >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using RelativePosition = RelativeQuantity< LinearVector< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::EuclideanSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RelativeQuaterniond = RelativeQuaternion< double >
using RelativeQuaternionf = RelativeQuaternion< float >
using RelativeRotationMatrix = RelativeQuantity< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, Dim >, Dim, detail::SOSpace< Scalar, Dim, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, Dim > > >
using RelativeTorque = RelativeQuantity< AngularVector< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::VectorSpace< Scalar,(Dim *(Dim-1))/2 > >
using RelativeWrench = RelativeQuantity< Wrench< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::WrenchSpace< Scalar, Dim > >


 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (RelativePose) template< typename Scalar
 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (RelativeRotationMatrix) template< typename Scalar > using RelativeQuaternion
 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (RelativeTorque) template< typename Scalar
template<typename Q , std::size_t Dim, typename CoordinateSpace >
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RelativeQuantity< Q, Dim, CoordinateSpace > &_fq)