Gazebo Gazebo

API Reference

src/systems/logical_audio_sensor_plugin/LogicalAudio.hh File Reference
#include <string>
#include <gz/sim/components/LogicalAudio.hh>
#include <gz/sim/config.hh>
#include <gz/math/Pose3.hh>

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 This library is part of the Ignition Robotics project.
 Gazebo is a leading open source robotics simulator, that provides high fidelity physics, rendering, and sensor simulation.


double computeVolume (bool _playing, AttenuationFunction _attenuationFunc, AttenuationShape _attenuationShape, double _sourceEmissionVolume, double _innerRadius, double _falloffDistance, const gz::math::Pose3d &_sourcePose, const gz::math::Pose3d &_targetPose)
 Computes the volume level of an audio source at a certain location. More...
bool detect (double _volumeLevel, double _volumeDetectionThreshold)
 Determines if an audio device can detect volume at a certain level. More...
void setAttenuationFunction (AttenuationFunction &_attenuationFunc, std::string _str)
 Set the attenuation function that matches the defined string. The string is not case sensitive, and must match the spelling of the values in AttenuationFunction. If the spelling does not match, the attenuation function is set as AttenuationFunction::Undefined. More...
void setAttenuationShape (AttenuationShape &_attenuationShape, std::string _str)
 Set the attenuation shape that matches the defined string. The string is not case sensitive, and must match the spelling of the values in AttenuationShape. If the spelling does not match, the attenuation shape is set as AttenuationShape::Undefined. More...
void validateInnerRadiusAndFalloffDistance (double &_innerRadius, double &_falloffDistance)
 Validate the inner radius and falloff distance for an audio source. More...
void validateVolumeLevel (double &_volumeLevel)
 Validate a source's emission volume level. More...