Gazebo Sim

API Reference

Server Member List

This is the complete list of members for Server, including all inherited members.

AddSystem(const SystemPluginPtr &_system, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
AddSystem(const SystemPluginPtr &_system, std::optional< Entity > _entity, std::optional< std::shared_ptr< const sdf::Element > > _sdf, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
AddSystem(const sdf::Plugin &_plugin, std::optional< Entity > _entity, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
AddSystem(const std::shared_ptr< System > &_system, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
AddSystem(const std::shared_ptr< System > &_system, std::optional< Entity > _entity, std::optional< std::shared_ptr< const sdf::Element > > _sdf, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
EntityByName(const std::string &_name, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer
EntityCount(const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer
HasEntity(const std::string &_name, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer
IterationCount(const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer
Paused(const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer
RequestRemoveEntity(const std::string &_name, bool _recursive=true, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
RequestRemoveEntity(const Entity _entity, bool _recursive=true, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
Run(const bool _blocking=false, const uint64_t _iterations=0, const bool _paused=true)Server
Running() constServer
Running(const unsigned int _worldIndex) constServer
RunOnce(const bool _paused=true)Server
Server(const ServerConfig &_config=ServerConfig())Serverexplicit
SetPaused(const bool _paused, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer
SetUpdatePeriod(const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_updatePeriod, const unsigned int _worldIndex=0)Server
SystemCount(const unsigned int _worldIndex=0) constServer