Gazebo Sim

API Reference


Welcome to the Gazebo Sim tutorials. These tutorials will guide you through the process of understanding the capabilities of the Gazebo Sim library and how to use the library effectively.


The Tutorials section contains step-by-step instructions with self-contained examples to help you get started using Gazebo.



  • Logging: Record and play back time series of world state.
  • Levels: Load entities on demand in large environments.


  • ERB Template: Use ERB, a templating language, to generate SDF files for simulation worlds.

How-to Guides

The How-to Guides provide recipes for specific "How to..." questions or things you may want to do. They assume some experience. If you are an absolute beginner, start with the Tutorials section.





Migration from Gazebo classic

  • Plugins: Walk through the differences between writing plugins for Gazebo classic and Gazebo
  • SDF: Migrating SDF files from Gazebo classic to Gazebo
  • World API: Guide on what World C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Model API: Guide on what Model C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Light API: Guide on what Light C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Joint API: Guide on what Joint C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Actor API: Guide on what Actor C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Link API: Guide on what Link C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Sensor API: Guide on what Sensor C++ functions to call in Gazebo when migrating from Gazebo classic
  • Case Study: Migrating the ArduPilot ModelPlugin from Gazebo classic to Gazebo.

3D modeling help

Blender help



The reference section contains information that may come in handy for lookup.


The concepts section explains things that require additional understanding than the scope of the Tutorials and How-to Guides.


The code associated with this documentation is licensed under an Apache 2.0 License.

This documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.