Gazebo Physics

API Reference

gz/physics/Register.hh File Reference
#include <gz/physics/detail/Register.hh>
#include <gz/physics/Implements.hh>

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#define IGN_PHYSICS_ADD_PLUGIN(PluginType, FeaturePolicyT, FeatureListT)   DETAIL_IGN_PHYSICS_ADD_PLUGIN(PluginType, FeaturePolicyT, FeatureListT)
 Add a plugin that can be used as physics engine. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IGN_PHYSICS_ADD_PLUGIN (   PluginType,
)    DETAIL_IGN_PHYSICS_ADD_PLUGIN(PluginType, FeaturePolicyT, FeatureListT)

Add a plugin that can be used as physics engine.

  1. The first argument is the name of the class that wraps the physics engine into a plugin.
  2. The second argument is the Feature Policy for this plugin, e.g. ignition::physics::FeaturePolicy3d
  3. The third argument is the Feature List, specifying all the features that this plugin provides, e.g. ignition::physics::StandardFeatures

Note that the Feature Policy and Feature List should match the types that you pass to the ignition::physics::Implements<P, L> that your plugin class inherits.

If your library has multiple translation units (.cpp files) and you want to register plugins in multiple translation units, use this ignition/physics/Register.hh header in ONE of the translation units, and then the ignition/physics/RegisterMore.hh header in all of the rest of the translation units.