shared_ptr< RayQuery > RayQueryPtr
Shared pointer to RayQuery.
Definition: gz/rendering/RenderTypes.hh:223
Vector2< int > Vector2i
ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox transformAxisAlignedBox(const ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox &_box, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose)
Transform a bounding box.
math::Vector3d screenToScene(const math::Vector2i &_screenPos, const CameraPtr &_camera, const RayQueryPtr &_rayQuery, float _maxDistance=10.0)
Retrieve the first point on a surface in the 3D scene hit by a ray cast from the given 2D screen coor...
shared_ptr< Camera > CameraPtr
Shared pointer to Camera.
Definition: gz/rendering/RenderTypes.hh:107
ignition::math::Matrix3d projectionToCameraIntrinsic(const ignition::math::Matrix4d &_projectionMatrix, double _width, double _height)
Convert a given camera projection matrix to an intrinsics matrix. Intrinsics matrix is different from...
Vector3< double > Vector3d
math::Vector3d screenToPlane(const math::Vector2i &_screenPos, const CameraPtr &_camera, const RayQueryPtr &_rayQuery, const float _offset=0.0)
Retrieve the point on a plane at z = 0 in the 3D scene hit by a ray cast from the given 2D screen coo...