Gazebo Sensors

API Reference

DopplerVelocityLog Class Reference

Doppler velocity log (DVL) sensor, built as a custom rendering sensor to leverage GPU shaders for speed. More...

#include <DopplerVelocityLog.hh>

Public Member Functions

 DopplerVelocityLog ()
 ~DopplerVelocityLog ()
virtual bool HasConnections () const override
 Inherits documentation from parent class. More...
virtual bool Load (const sdf::Sensor &_sdf) override
 Inherits documentation from parent class. More...
virtual bool Load (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override
 Inherits documentation from parent class. More...
virtual void PostUpdate (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now)
 Perform any sensor updates after the rendering pass. More...
std::vector< gz::rendering::SensorPtr > RenderingSensors () const
 Yield rendering sensors that underpin the implementation. More...
void SetEntity (uint64_t entity)
 Set this sensor's entity ID (for world state lookup). More...
void SetEnvironmentalData (const EnvironmentalData &_data)
 Set environmental _data to support DVL water-tracking. More...
void SetScene (gz::rendering::ScenePtr _scene) override
 Inherits documentation from parent class. More...
void SetWorldState (const WorldState &_state)
 Set world _state to support DVL water and bottom-tracking. More...
virtual bool Update (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now) override
 Inherits documentation from parent class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RenderingSensor
virtual ~RenderingSensor ()
 destructor More...
bool ManualSceneUpdate () const
 Get whether the scene graph is updated manually. Defaults to false. More...
void Render ()
 Render update. This performs the actual render operation. More...
rendering::ScenePtr Scene () const
 Get the rendering scene. More...
void SetManualSceneUpdate (bool _manual)
 Set whether to update the scene graph manually. If set to true, it is expected that rendering::Scene::PreRender is called manually before calling Render() More...
virtual void SetScene (rendering::ScenePtr _scene)
 Set the rendering scene. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sensor
virtual ~Sensor ()
 destructor More...
void AddSequence (gz::msgs::Header *_msg, const std::string &_seqKey="default")
 Add a sequence number to a gz::msgs::Header. This function can be called by a sensor that wants to add a sequence number to a sensor message in order to have improved accountability for generated sensor data. More...
bool EnableMetrics () const
 Get flag state for enabling performance metrics publication. More...
std::string FrameId () const
 FrameId. More...
bool HasPendingTrigger () const
 Whether the sensor has a pending trigger. More...
SensorId Id () const
 Get the sensor's ID. More...
virtual bool Init ()
 Initialize values in the sensor This will set the next update time to zero. This is particularly useful if simulation time has jumped backward, for example during a seek backward in a log file. More...
bool IsActive () const
 Get whether the sensor is enabled or not. More...
bool IsTriggered () const
 Whether the sensor trigger mode is enabled. More...
std::string Name () const
 Get name. More...
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration NextDataUpdateTime () const
 Return the next time the sensor will generate data. More...
std::string Parent () const
 Get parent link of the sensor. More...
gz::math::Pose3d Pose () const
 Get the current pose. More...
void PublishMetrics (const std::chrono::duration< double > &_now)
 Publishes information about the performance of the sensor. This method is called by Update(). More...
sdf::ElementPtr SDF () const
 Get the SDF used to load this sensor. More...
void SetActive (bool _active)
 Enable or disable the sensor. Disabled sensors will not generate or publish data unless Update is called with the '_force' argument set to true. More...
void SetEnableMetrics (bool _enableMetrics)
 Set flag to enable publishing performance metrics. More...
void SetFrameId (const std::string &_frameId)
 Set Frame ID of the sensor. More...
void SetNextDataUpdateTime (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_time)
 Manually set the next time the sensor will generate data Useful for accomodating jumps backwards in time as well as specifying updates for non-uniformly updating sensors. More...
virtual void SetParent (const std::string &_parent)
 Set the parent of the sensor. More...
void SetPose (const gz::math::Pose3d &_pose)
 Update the pose of the sensor. More...
bool SetTopic (const std::string &_topic)
 Set topic where sensor data is published. More...
bool SetTriggered (bool _triggered, const std::string &_triggerTopic="")
 Enable or disable triggered mode. In this mode,. More...
void SetUpdateRate (const double _hz)
 Set the update rate of the sensor. An update rate of zero means that the sensor is updated every cycle. It's zero by default. More...
std::string Topic () const
 Get topic where sensor data is published. More...
bool Update (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now, const bool _force)
 Update the sensor. More...
double UpdateRate () const
 Get the update rate of the sensor. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from RenderingSensor
 RenderingSensor ()
 constructor More...
void AddSensor (rendering::SensorPtr _sensor)
 Add a rendering::Sensor. Its render updates will be handled by this base class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sensor
 Sensor ()
 constructor More...

Detailed Description

Doppler velocity log (DVL) sensor, built as a custom rendering sensor to leverage GPU shaders for speed.

By default, this sensor uses an x-forward, y-left, z-up coordinate frame to report all measurements. All acoustic beams' lobes are expected to face downwards.

/// <sensor type="custom" gz:type="dvl">
///   <gz:dvl>
///     <arrangement degrees="true">
///       <beam id="1">
///         <aperture></aperture>
///         <rotation></rotation>
///         <tilt></tilt>
///       </beam>
///     </arrangement>
///     <tracking>
///       <bottom_mode>
///         <when></when>
///         <noise type="gaussian">
///           <stddev></stddev>
///         </noise>
///         <visualize></visualize>
///       </bottom_mode>
///       <water_mass_mode>
///         <when></when>
///         <water_velocity>
///           <x></x>
///           <y></y>
///           <z></z>
///         </water_velocity>
///         <boundaries>
///           <near>20.</near>
///           <far>60.</far>
///         </boundaries>
///         <bins>10</bins>
///         <noise type="gaussian">
///           <stddev></stddev>
///         </noise>
///         <visualize></visualize>
///       </water_mass_mode>
///     <minimum_range></minimum_range>
///     <maximum_range></maximum_range>
///     <resolution></resolution>
///     <reference_frame></reference_frame>
///   </gz:dvl>
/// </sensor>
- `<arrangement>` describes the arrangement of acoustic beams
in the DVL sensor frame. It may include a `degrees` attribute
to signal use of degrees instead of radians for all angles
within, defaulting to radians if left unspecified.
- `<arrangement><beam>` describes one acoustic beam in the
arrangement. May include an `id` attribute, defaulting to the
last specified id plus 1 if left unspecified (or 0 if it's the
- `<arrangement><beam><aperture>` sets the aperture angle for
the acoustic beam's main lobe (modelled as a cone). Defaults
to 90 degrees if left unspecified.
- `<arrangement><beam><rotation>` sets the rotation angle of
the acoustic beam's symmetry axis about the sensor frame z
axis. Defaults to 0 degrees if left unspecified.
- `<arrangement><beam><tilt>` sets the inclination angle of
the acoustic beam's symmetry axis w.r.t. the sensor frame -z
axis (ie. rotation about the -y axis). Defaults to 0 degrees
if left unspecified.
- `<arrangement><visualize>` enables visual aids to evaluate
acoustic beam arrangements. Beam lobes' are rendered and adjusted
in size to match range measurements.
- `<tracking>` configures velocity tracking modes for the DVL.
- `<tracking><bottom_mode>` configures the bottom tracking mode.
- `<tracking><bottom_mode><when>` enables (or disables) the bottom
tracking mode. Supported values are 'never', to disable it completely
(as if no <bottom_mode> configuration had been specified), 'always' to
enable it at all times, and 'best' to track at all times but only
publish estimates when it performs best among all configured modes.
Defaults to 'always' if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><bottom_mode><noise>` sets the noise model for velocity
estimates. Only 'gaussian' noise is currently supported. Defaults to
none if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><bottom_mode><visualize>` enables visual aids to validate
bottom tracking. Acoustic beam reflection paths are depicted, where
the color scales linearly in hue with measured speed and low opacity
sections depict range uncertainty (+/- 2 standard deviations).
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode>` configures the water-mass tracking
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><when>` enables (or disables) the
water-mass tracking mode. Supported values are 'never', to disable it
completely (as if no <water_mass_mode> configuration had been
specified), 'always' to enable it at all times, and 'best' to track at
all times but only publish estimates when it performs best among all
configured modes. Defaults to 'always' if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><water_velocity>` set the variables in
world environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t.
the world frame in each axis. At least one axis must be specified.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><water_velocity><x>` set the variable
in world environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t.
the world frame along the x-axis (that is, towards east). Defaults to
none (and thus zero water velocity in this axis) if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><water_velocity><y>` set the variable in
world environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t. the
world frame along the y-axis (that is, towards north). Defaults to none
(and thus zero water velocity in this axis) if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><water_velocity><z>` set the variable in
world environmental data to be used to sample water velocity w.r.t. the
world frame along the z-axis (that is, upwards). Defaults to none (and
thus zero water velocity in this axis) if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><boundaries>` sets water-mass layer
boundaries. These boundaries are planar at given z-offsets in the
sensor frame.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><boundaries><near>` sets the water-mass
layer boundary that is the closest to the sensor.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><boundaries><far>` sets the water-mass
layer boundary that is the farthest to the sensor.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><bins>` sets the number of bins to use
for water-mass velocity sampling. Each bin is a slab of water between
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><noise>` sets the noise model for
velocity estimates. Only 'gaussian' noise is currently supported.
Defaults to none if left unspecified.
- `<tracking><water_mass_mode><visualize>` enables visual aids to
validate bottom tracking. Acoustic beam reflection paths are depicted,
where the color scales linearly in hue with measured speed and low
opacity sections depict range uncertainty (+/- 2 standard deviations).
- `<type>` sets the sensor type, either 'piston' or 'phased_array'.
Defaults to unspecified.
- `<resolution>` sets the resolution of the beam for bottom
tracking at a 1 m distance. Defaults to 1 cm if left unspecified.
- `<minimum_range>` sets a lower bound for range measurements.
Defaults to 1 cm if left unspecified.
- `<maximum_range>` sets an upper bound for range measurements.
Defaults to 100 m if left unspecified.
- `<reference_frame>` sets a transform from the sensor frame to the
reference frame in which all measurements are reported. Defaults to
the identity transform.

Note the tethys::DopplerVelocityLogSystem plugin must be
loaded for these custom sensors to be picked up and setup. 

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DopplerVelocityLog()

◆ ~DopplerVelocityLog()

Member Function Documentation

◆ HasConnections()

virtual bool HasConnections ( ) const

Inherits documentation from parent class.

Reimplemented from Sensor.

◆ Load() [1/2]

virtual bool Load ( const sdf::Sensor &  _sdf)

Inherits documentation from parent class.

Reimplemented from Sensor.

◆ Load() [2/2]

virtual bool Load ( sdf::ElementPtr  _sdf)

Inherits documentation from parent class.

Reimplemented from Sensor.

◆ PostUpdate()

virtual void PostUpdate ( const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &  _now)

Perform any sensor updates after the rendering pass.

◆ RenderingSensors()

std::vector<gz::rendering::SensorPtr> RenderingSensors ( ) const

Yield rendering sensors that underpin the implementation.

◆ SetEntity()

void SetEntity ( uint64_t  entity)

Set this sensor's entity ID (for world state lookup).

◆ SetEnvironmentalData()

void SetEnvironmentalData ( const EnvironmentalData _data)

Set environmental _data to support DVL water-tracking.

◆ SetScene()

void SetScene ( gz::rendering::ScenePtr  _scene)

Inherits documentation from parent class.

◆ SetWorldState()

void SetWorldState ( const WorldState _state)

Set world _state to support DVL water and bottom-tracking.

◆ Update()

virtual bool Update ( const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &  _now)

Inherits documentation from parent class.

Implements Sensor.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: