Gazebo Sensors

API Reference


Lidar Sensor Class. More...

#include <Lidar.hh>

Public Member Functions

 Lidar ()
 constructor More...
virtual ~Lidar ()
 destructor More...
gz::math::Angle AngleMax () const
 Get the maximum angle. More...
gz::math::Angle AngleMin () const
 Get the minimum angle. More...
double AngleResolution () const
 Get radians between each range. More...
void ApplyNoise ()
 Apply noise to the laser buffer, if noise has been configured. This should be called before PublishLidarScan if you want the scan data to contain noise. More...
virtual gz::common::ConnectionPtr ConnectNewLidarFrame (std::function< void(const float *_scan, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _heighti, unsigned int _channels, const std::string &)> _subscriber)
 Set a callback to be called when data is generated. More...
virtual bool CreateLidar ()
 Create Lidar sensor. More...
int Fiducial (const unsigned int _index) const
 Get detected fiducial value for a ray. Warning: If you are accessing all the ray data in a loop it's possible that the Ray will update in the middle of your access loop. This means some data will come from one scan, and some from another scan. You can solve this problem by using SetActive(false) <your accessor loop> SetActive(true). More...
virtual bool HasConnections () const override
 Check if there are any subscribers for sensor data. More...
double HorzFOV () const
 Get the horizontal field of view of the laser sensor. More...
virtual bool Init () override
 Initialize values in the sensor. More...
virtual bool IsActive () const
bool IsHorizontal () const
 Gets if sensor is horizontal. More...
virtual bool Load (const sdf::Sensor &_sdf) override
 Load the sensor based on data from an sdf::Sensor object. More...
virtual bool Load (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override
 Load the sensor with SDF parameters. More...
virtual bool PublishLidarScan (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now)
 Publish LaserScan message. More...
double Range (const int _index) const
 Get detected range for a ray. Warning: If you are accessing all the ray data in a loop it's possible that the Ray will update in the middle of your access loop. This means some data will come from one scan, and some from another scan. You can solve this problem by using SetActive(false) <your accessor loop> SetActive(true). More...
unsigned int RangeCount () const
 Get the range count. More...
double RangeCountRatio () const
 Return the ratio of horizontal range count to vertical range count. More...
double RangeMax () const
 Get the maximum range. More...
double RangeMin () const
 Get the minimum range. More...
double RangeResolution () const
 Get the range resolution If RangeResolution is 1, the number of simulated rays is equal to the number of returned range readings. If it's less than 1, fewer simulated rays than actual returned range readings are used, the results are interpolated from two nearest neighbors, and vice versa. More...
void Ranges (std::vector< double > &_ranges) const
 Get all the ranges. More...
unsigned int RayCount () const
 Get the ray count. More...
double RayCountRatio () const
 Return the ratio of horizontal ray count to vertical ray count. More...
double Retro (const int _index) const
 Get detected retro (intensity) value for a ray. Warning: If you are accessing all the ray data in a loop it's possible that the Ray will update in the middle of your access loop. This means some data will come from one scan, and some from another scan. You can solve this problem by using SetActive(false) <your accessor loop> SetActive(true). More...
void SetAngleMax (const double _angle)
 Set the scan maximum angle. More...
void SetAngleMin (const double _angle)
 Set the scan minimum angle. More...
void SetParent (const std::string &_parent) override
 Initialize values in the sensor. More...
void SetVerticalAngleMax (const double _angle)
 Set the vertical scan line top angle. More...
void SetVerticalAngleMin (const double _angle)
 Set the vertical scan bottom angle. More...
virtual bool Update (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now) override
 Force the sensor to generate data. More...
double VertFOV () const
 Get the vertical field-of-view. More...
gz::math::Angle VerticalAngleMax () const
 Get the vertical scan line top angle. More...
gz::math::Angle VerticalAngleMin () const
 Get the vertical scan bottom angle. More...
double VerticalAngleResolution () const
 Get the vertical angle in radians between each range. More...
unsigned int VerticalRangeCount () const
 Get the vertical scan line count. More...
unsigned int VerticalRayCount () const
 Get the vertical scan line count. More...
uint32_t VisibilityMask () const
 Get the visibility mask. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RenderingSensor
virtual ~RenderingSensor ()
 destructor More...
bool ManualSceneUpdate () const
 Get whether the scene graph is updated manually. Defaults to false. More...
void Render ()
 Render update. This performs the actual render operation. More...
rendering::ScenePtr Scene () const
 Get the rendering scene. More...
void SetManualSceneUpdate (bool _manual)
 Set whether to update the scene graph manually. If set to true, it is expected that rendering::Scene::PreRender is called manually before calling Render() More...
virtual void SetScene (rendering::ScenePtr _scene)
 Set the rendering scene. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sensor
virtual ~Sensor ()
 destructor More...
void AddSequence (gz::msgs::Header *_msg, const std::string &_seqKey="default")
 Add a sequence number to a gz::msgs::Header. This function can be called by a sensor that wants to add a sequence number to a sensor message in order to have improved accountability for generated sensor data. More...
bool EnableMetrics () const
 Get flag state for enabling performance metrics publication. More...
std::string FrameId () const
 FrameId. More...
bool HasPendingTrigger () const
 Whether the sensor has a pending trigger. More...
SensorId Id () const
 Get the sensor's ID. More...
bool IsActive () const
 Get whether the sensor is enabled or not. More...
bool IsTriggered () const
 Whether the sensor trigger mode is enabled. More...
std::string Name () const
 Get name. More...
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration NextDataUpdateTime () const
 Return the next time the sensor will generate data. More...
std::string Parent () const
 Get parent link of the sensor. More...
gz::math::Pose3d Pose () const
 Get the current pose. More...
void PublishMetrics (const std::chrono::duration< double > &_now)
 Publishes information about the performance of the sensor. This method is called by Update(). More...
sdf::ElementPtr SDF () const
 Get the SDF used to load this sensor. More...
void SetActive (bool _active)
 Enable or disable the sensor. Disabled sensors will not generate or publish data unless Update is called with the '_force' argument set to true. More...
void SetEnableMetrics (bool _enableMetrics)
 Set flag to enable publishing performance metrics. More...
void SetFrameId (const std::string &_frameId)
 Set Frame ID of the sensor. More...
void SetNextDataUpdateTime (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_time)
 Manually set the next time the sensor will generate data Useful for accomodating jumps backwards in time as well as specifying updates for non-uniformly updating sensors. More...
void SetPose (const gz::math::Pose3d &_pose)
 Update the pose of the sensor. More...
bool SetTopic (const std::string &_topic)
 Set topic where sensor data is published. More...
bool SetTriggered (bool _triggered, const std::string &_triggerTopic="")
 Enable or disable triggered mode. In this mode,. More...
void SetUpdateRate (const double _hz)
 Set the update rate of the sensor. An update rate of zero means that the sensor is updated every cycle. It's zero by default. More...
std::string Topic () const
 Get topic where sensor data is published. More...
bool Update (const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &_now, const bool _force)
 Update the sensor. More...
double UpdateRate () const
 Get the update rate of the sensor. More...

Public Attributes

bool initialized = false
 true if Load() has been called and was successful More...
float * laserBuffer = nullptr
 Raw buffer of laser data. More...
std::mutex lidarMutex
 Just a mutex for thread safety. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Fini ()
 Finalize the ray. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RenderingSensor
 RenderingSensor ()
 constructor More...
void AddSensor (rendering::SensorPtr _sensor)
 Add a rendering::Sensor. Its render updates will be handled by this base class. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sensor
 Sensor ()
 constructor More...

Detailed Description

Lidar Sensor Class.

This class creates laser scans using. It's measures the range from the origin of the center to points on the visual geometry in the scene.

It offers both a gz-transport interface and a direct C++ API to access the image data. The API works by setting a callback to be called with image data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Lidar()

Lidar ( )


◆ ~Lidar()

virtual ~Lidar ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AngleMax()

gz::math::Angle AngleMax ( ) const

Get the maximum angle.

the maximum angle

◆ AngleMin()

gz::math::Angle AngleMin ( ) const

Get the minimum angle.

The minimum angle

◆ AngleResolution()

double AngleResolution ( ) const

Get radians between each range.

Return angle resolution

◆ ApplyNoise()

void ApplyNoise ( )

Apply noise to the laser buffer, if noise has been configured. This should be called before PublishLidarScan if you want the scan data to contain noise.

◆ ConnectNewLidarFrame()

virtual gz::common::ConnectionPtr ConnectNewLidarFrame ( std::function< void(const float *_scan, unsigned int _width, unsigned int _heighti, unsigned int _channels, const std::string &)>  _subscriber)

Set a callback to be called when data is generated.

[in]_subscriberThis callback will be called every time the sensor generates data. The Update function will be blocked while the callbacks are executed.
Do not block inside of the callback.
A connection pointer that must remain in scope. When the connection pointer falls out of scope, the connection is broken.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ CreateLidar()

virtual bool CreateLidar ( )

Create Lidar sensor.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ Fiducial()

int Fiducial ( const unsigned int  _index) const

Get detected fiducial value for a ray. Warning: If you are accessing all the ray data in a loop it's possible that the Ray will update in the middle of your access loop. This means some data will come from one scan, and some from another scan. You can solve this problem by using SetActive(false) <your accessor loop> SetActive(true).

[in]_indexIndex of specific ray
Fiducial value of ray

◆ Fini()

virtual void Fini ( )

Finalize the ray.

◆ HasConnections()

virtual bool HasConnections ( ) const

Check if there are any subscribers for sensor data.

True if there are subscribers, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Sensor.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ HorzFOV()

double HorzFOV ( ) const

Get the horizontal field of view of the laser sensor.

The horizontal field of view of the laser sensor.

◆ Init()

virtual bool Init ( )

Initialize values in the sensor.

True on success

Reimplemented from Sensor.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ IsActive()

virtual bool IsActive ( ) const

◆ IsHorizontal()

bool IsHorizontal ( ) const

Gets if sensor is horizontal.

True if horizontal, false if not

◆ Load() [1/2]

virtual bool Load ( const sdf::Sensor &  _sdf)

Load the sensor based on data from an sdf::Sensor object.

[in]_sdfSDF Sensor parameters.
true if loading was successful

Reimplemented from Sensor.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ Load() [2/2]

virtual bool Load ( sdf::ElementPtr  _sdf)

Load the sensor with SDF parameters.

[in]_sdfSDF Sensor parameters.
true if loading was successful

Reimplemented from Sensor.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ PublishLidarScan()

virtual bool PublishLidarScan ( const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &  _now)

Publish LaserScan message.

[in]_nowThe current time
true if the update was successfull

◆ Range()

double Range ( const int  _index) const

Get detected range for a ray. Warning: If you are accessing all the ray data in a loop it's possible that the Ray will update in the middle of your access loop. This means some data will come from one scan, and some from another scan. You can solve this problem by using SetActive(false) <your accessor loop> SetActive(true).

[in]_indexIndex of specific ray
Returns RangeMax for no detection.

◆ RangeCount()

unsigned int RangeCount ( ) const

Get the range count.

The number of ranges

◆ RangeCountRatio()

double RangeCountRatio ( ) const

Return the ratio of horizontal range count to vertical range count.

A ray count is the number of simulated rays. Whereas a range count is the total number of data points returned. When range count != ray count, then values are interpolated between rays.

◆ RangeMax()

double RangeMax ( ) const

Get the maximum range.

The maximum range

◆ RangeMin()

double RangeMin ( ) const

Get the minimum range.

The minimum range

◆ RangeResolution()

double RangeResolution ( ) const

Get the range resolution If RangeResolution is 1, the number of simulated rays is equal to the number of returned range readings. If it's less than 1, fewer simulated rays than actual returned range readings are used, the results are interpolated from two nearest neighbors, and vice versa.

The Range Resolution

◆ Ranges()

void Ranges ( std::vector< double > &  _ranges) const

Get all the ranges.

[out]_rangesA vector that will contain all the range data

◆ RayCount()

unsigned int RayCount ( ) const

Get the ray count.

The number of rays

◆ RayCountRatio()

double RayCountRatio ( ) const

Return the ratio of horizontal ray count to vertical ray count.

A ray count is the number of simulated rays. Whereas a range count is the total number of data points returned. When range count != ray count, then values are interpolated between rays.

◆ Retro()

double Retro ( const int  _index) const

Get detected retro (intensity) value for a ray. Warning: If you are accessing all the ray data in a loop it's possible that the Ray will update in the middle of your access loop. This means some data will come from one scan, and some from another scan. You can solve this problem by using SetActive(false) <your accessor loop> SetActive(true).

[in]_indexIndex of specific ray
Intensity value of ray

◆ SetAngleMax()

void SetAngleMax ( const double  _angle)

Set the scan maximum angle.

[in]_angleThe maximum angle

◆ SetAngleMin()

void SetAngleMin ( const double  _angle)

Set the scan minimum angle.

[in]_angleThe minimum angle

◆ SetParent()

void SetParent ( const std::string _parent)

Initialize values in the sensor.

[in]_parentName of parent

Reimplemented from Sensor.

◆ SetVerticalAngleMax()

void SetVerticalAngleMax ( const double  _angle)

Set the vertical scan line top angle.

[in]_angleThe Maximum angle of the scan block

◆ SetVerticalAngleMin()

void SetVerticalAngleMin ( const double  _angle)

Set the vertical scan bottom angle.

[in]_angleThe minimum angle of the scan block

◆ Update()

virtual bool Update ( const std::chrono::steady_clock::duration &  _now)

Force the sensor to generate data.

[in]_nowThe current time
true if the update was successfull

Implements Sensor.

Reimplemented in GpuLidarSensor.

◆ VertFOV()

double VertFOV ( ) const

Get the vertical field-of-view.

Vertical field of view.

◆ VerticalAngleMax()

gz::math::Angle VerticalAngleMax ( ) const

Get the vertical scan line top angle.

The Maximum angle of the scan block

◆ VerticalAngleMin()

gz::math::Angle VerticalAngleMin ( ) const

Get the vertical scan bottom angle.

The minimum angle of the scan block

◆ VerticalAngleResolution()

double VerticalAngleResolution ( ) const

Get the vertical angle in radians between each range.

Resolution of the angle

◆ VerticalRangeCount()

unsigned int VerticalRangeCount ( ) const

Get the vertical scan line count.

The number of scan lines vertically

◆ VerticalRayCount()

unsigned int VerticalRayCount ( ) const

Get the vertical scan line count.

The number of scan lines vertically

◆ VisibilityMask()

uint32_t VisibilityMask ( ) const

Get the visibility mask.

Visibility mask

Member Data Documentation

◆ initialized

bool initialized = false

true if Load() has been called and was successful

◆ laserBuffer

float* laserBuffer = nullptr

Raw buffer of laser data.

◆ lidarMutex

std::mutex lidarMutex

Just a mutex for thread safety.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: