Gazebo Sim

API Reference

Rotor Struct Reference

A struct that holds various properties of a rotor. More...

#include <Parameters.hh>

Public Attributes

double angle
 The angle formed on the xy plane by the vector going from the the center of mass to the rotor. The angle is measured from the +x axis of the body frame.
double armLength
 The length of the vector going from the center of mass to the rotor.
int direction
 Direction of rotation of the rotor. +1 is counterclockwise and -1 is clockwise.
double forceConstant
 A constant that multiplies with the square of the rotor's velocity to compute its thrust.
double momentConstant
 A constant the multiplies with the rotor's thrust to compute its moment.

Detailed Description

A struct that holds various properties of a rotor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ angle

double angle

The angle formed on the xy plane by the vector going from the the center of mass to the rotor. The angle is measured from the +x axis of the body frame.

◆ armLength

double armLength

The length of the vector going from the center of mass to the rotor.

◆ direction

int direction

Direction of rotation of the rotor. +1 is counterclockwise and -1 is clockwise.

◆ forceConstant

double forceConstant

A constant that multiplies with the square of the rotor's velocity to compute its thrust.

◆ momentConstant

double momentConstant

A constant the multiplies with the rotor's thrust to compute its moment.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: