Gazebo Sensors

API Reference

Deprecated List
Member Manager::CreateSensor (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
Sensor registration is deprecated, so it's necessary to provide the specific sensor type to create it. Use the templated CreateSensor function.
Member Manager::CreateSensor (const sdf::Sensor &_sdf)
Sensor registration is deprecated, so it's necessary to provide the specific sensor type to create it. Use the templated CreateSensor function.
Member SensorFactory::AddPluginPaths (const std::string &_path)
Sensor plugins aren't supported anymore.
Member SensorFactory::CreateSensor (const sdf::Sensor &_sdf)
Sensor registration is deprecated, so it's necessary to provide the specific sensor type to create it. Use the templated CreateSensor function.
Member SensorFactory::CreateSensor (sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
Sensor registration is deprecated, so it's necessary to provide the specific sensor type to create it. Use the templated CreateSensor function.
Class SensorPlugin
Sensor plugins are deprecated. Instantiate sensor objects instead.
Class SensorTypePlugin< SensorType >
Sensor plugins are deprecated. Instantiate sensor objects instead.