Gazebo Sim

API Reference

Events.hh File Reference
#include <optional>
#include <gz/common/Event.hh>
#include <gz/physics/ContactProperties.hh>
#include "gz/sim/config.hh"
#include "gz/sim/Entity.hh"
#include <Eigen/Geometry>

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namespace  gz
 This library is part of the Gazebo project.
namespace  gz::sim
 Gazebo is a leading open source robotics simulator, that provides high fidelity physics, rendering, and sensor simulation.
namespace  gz::sim::events
 Namespace for all events. Refer to the EventManager class for more information about events.


using CollectContactSurfaceProperties = gz::common::EventT< void(const Entity &, const Entity &, const math::Vector3d &, const std::optional< math::Vector3d >, const std::optional< math::Vector3d >, const std::optional< double >, const size_t, physics::SetContactPropertiesCallbackFeature::ContactSurfaceParams< Policy > &), struct CollectContactSurfacePropertiesTag >
 This event is called when the physics engine needs to collect what customizations it should do to the surface of a contact point. It is called during the Update phase after collision checking has been finished and before the physics update has happened. The event subscribers are expected to change the params argument.
using Policy = physics::FeaturePolicy3d