Gazebo Gui

API Reference

ignition::common Namespace Reference




class  Animation
class  AudioDecoder
class  Base64
class  Battery
class  BVHLoader
class  ColladaExporter
struct  ColladaLight
class  ColladaLoader
class  Connection
class  Console
class  DirIter
class  Event
class  EventT
class  FileLogger
class  FlagSet
class  GTSMeshUtils
class  HeightmapData
class  HWEncoder
class  Image
class  ImageHeightmap
struct  IsEnumThatContainsSentinel
struct  IsEnumThatContainsSentinel< T, decltype(static_cast< void >(T::_))>
class  KeyEvent
class  KeyFrame
class  Logger
class  Material
class  MaterialDensity
class  Mesh
class  MeshCSG
class  MeshExporter
class  MeshLoader
class  MeshManager
class  MouseEvent
class  MovingWindowFilter
class  NodeAnimation
class  NodeAssignment
class  NodeTransform
class  NumericAnimation
class  NumericKeyFrame
class  OBJLoader
class  Pbr
class  Plugin
struct  PluginInfo
class  PluginLoader
class  PoseAnimation
class  PoseKeyFrame
class  Profiler
class  ScopedProfile
class  SignalHandler
class  SingletonT
class  Skeleton
class  SkeletonAnimation
class  SkeletonNode
class  SpecializedPlugin
class  SpecializedPlugin< SpecInterface >
class  STLLoader
class  SubMesh
class  SVGCommand
class  SVGLoader
struct  SVGPath
class  SystemPaths
class  TempDirectory
class  TemplatePluginPtr
class  Time
class  Timer
class  TrajectoryInfo
class  URI
class  URIAuthority
class  URIFragment
class  URIPath
class  URIQuery
class  Uuid
class  Video
class  VideoEncoder
class  WorkerPool


typedef std::shared_ptr< BatteryBatteryPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< ConnectionConnectionPtr
typedef detail::ConstCompatible< To, From > ConstCompatible
typedef TemplatePluginPtr< const PluginConstPluginPtr
typedef TemplatePluginPtr< const SpecializedPlugin< SpecInterfaces... > > ConstSpecializedPluginPtr
typedef std::runtime_error exception
typedef std::shared_ptr< MaterialMaterialPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< MeshMeshPtr
typedef TemplatePluginPtr< PluginPluginPtr
typedef std::map< unsigned int, SkeletonNode * > SkeletonNodeMap
typedef std::shared_ptr< SkeletonSkeletonPtr
typedef TemplatePluginPtr< SpecializedPlugin< SpecInterfaces... > > SpecializedPluginPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< SubMeshSubMeshPtr


enum  FilesystemWarningOp
enum  NodeTransformType
enum  NormalMapSpace { TANGENT, OBJECT }
enum  PbrType { NONE, METAL, SPECULAR }


std::string absPath (const std::string &_path)
void addFindFileURICallback (std::function< std::string(const URI &)> _cb)
void addSearchPathSuffix (const std::string &_suffix)
std::string av_err2str_cpp (int errnum)
IGNITION_COMMON_AV_VISIBLE int AVCodecDecode (AVCodecContext *_codecCtx, AVFrame *_frame, int *_gotFrame, AVPacket *_packet)
IGNITION_COMMON_AV_VISIBLE void AVFrameUnref (AVFrame *_frame)
IGNITION_COMMON_AV_VISIBLE void AVPacketUnref (AVPacket *_packet)
std::string basename (const std::string &_path)
void changeFromUnixPath (std::string &_path)
void changeToUnixPath (std::string &_path)
bool chdir (const std::string &_dir)
bool copyDirectory (const std::string &_existingDirname, const std::string &_newDirname, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
bool copyFile (const std::string &_existingFilename, const std::string &_newFilename, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
std::string copyFromUnixPath (const std::string &_path)
std::string copyToUnixPath (const std::string &_path)
bool createDirectories (const std::string &_path)
bool createDirectory (const std::string &_path)
std::string createTempDirectory (const std::string &_baseName, const std::string &_parentPath, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
std::string cwd ()
bool EndsWith (const std::string &_s1, const std::string &_s2)
bool env (const std::string &_name, std::string &_value)
bool env (const std::string &_name, std::string &_value, bool _allowEmpty)
bool exists (const std::string &_path)
std::string findFile (const std::string &_file)
std::string findFile (const std::string &_file, bool _searchLocalPath)
std::string findFilePath (const std::string &_file)
constexpr uint64_t hash64 (std::string_view _key)
bool isDirectory (const std::string &_path)
bool isFile (const std::string &_path)
std::string Join (const std::vector< std::string > &_orig, char _delim)
std::string Join (const std::vector< std::string > &_orig, const std::string &_delim)
std::string joinPaths (const std::string &_path)
std::string joinPaths (const std::string &_path1, const std::string &_path2)
std::string joinPaths (const std::string &_path1, const std::string &_path2, Args const &..._args)
void load ()
std::string logPath ()
std::string lowercase (const char *_in)
std::string lowercase (const std::string &_in)
void ltrim (std::string &_s)
std::string ltrimmed (std::string _s)
bool moveFile (const std::string &_existingFilename, const std::string &_newFilename, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
std::string parentPath (const std::string &_path)
std::string PluralCast (const std::string &_baseWord, const int _n)
std::string PluralCast (const std::string &_singular, const std::string &_plural, const int _n)
bool removeAll (const std::string &_path, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
bool removeDirectory (const std::string &_path, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
bool removeDirectoryOrFile (const std::string &_path, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
bool removeFile (const std::string &_existingFilename, const FilesystemWarningOp _warningOp=FSWO_LOG_WARNINGS)
std::string replaceAll (const std::string &_orig, const std::string &_key, const std::string &_replacement)
void replaceAll (std::string &_result, const std::string &_orig, const std::string &_key, const std::string &_replacement)
void rtrim (std::string &_s)
std::string rtrimmed (std::string _s)
const std::string separator (std::string const &_s)
bool setenv (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_value)
std::string sha1 (const T &_buffer)
std::string sha1 (void const *_buffer, std::size_t _byteCount)
std::vector< std::stringSplit (const std::string &_orig, char _delim)
std::vector< std::stringsplit (const std::string &_str, const std::string &_delim)
bool StartsWith (const std::string &_s1, const std::string &_s2)
common::SystemPathssystemPaths ()
std::string systemTimeISO ()
std::string systemTimeIso ()
std::string tempDirectoryPath ()
std::string timeToIso (const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > &_time)
void trim (std::string &_s)
std::string trimmed (std::string _s)
std::string uniqueDirectoryPath (const std::string &_dir)
std::string uniqueFilePath (const std::string &_pathAndName, const std::string &_extension)
 Generates a path for a file which doesn't collide with existing files, by appending numbers to it (i.e. (0), (1), ...) More...
bool unsetenv (const std::string &_name)
std::string uuid ()


static std::string PixelFormatNames []