Gazebo Sim

API Reference

gz::sim::gui::events Namespace Reference

Namespace for all events. Refer to the EventManager class for more information about events. More...


class  DeselectAllEntities
 Event that notifies when all entities have been deselected. More...
class  EntitiesSelected
 Event that notifies when new entities have been selected. More...
class  GuiNewRemovedEntities
 Event that contains entities newly created or removed from the GUI, but that aren't present on the server yet. More...
class  ModelEditorAddEntity
 Event that notifies an entity is to be added to the model editor. More...
class  NewRemovedEntities
 Event that notifies when new entities have been created or removed on the server. This is a duplication of what GuiSystems would get from EachNew / EachRemoved ECM calls. More...
class  TransformControlModeActive
 True if a transform control is currently active (translate / rotate / scale). False if we're in selection mode. More...
class  VisualPlugins
 Event that notifies a visual plugin is to be loaded. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for all events. Refer to the EventManager class for more information about events.