Gazebo Physics

API Reference

Shape.hh File Reference
#include <gz/physics/FeatureList.hh>
#include <gz/physics/FrameSemantics.hh>
#include <gz/physics/RelativeQuantity.hh>
#include <gz/physics/Geometry.hh>
#include <gz/physics/detail/Shape.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  CollisionFilterMaskFeature
class  GetShapeBoundingBox
 This feature retrieves the shape's axis aligned bounding box in the requested frame. The default frame is the world frame. More...
class  GetShapeCollisionProperties
 This feature retrieves the shape collision properties such as the shape surface friction coefficient and restitution coefficient. More...
class  GetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance
 This feature retrieves the shape's slip compliance of the first and second friction direction in the friction pyramid model. More...
class  GetShapeKinematicProperties
 This feature retrieves the shape kinematic properties such as the the relative transform from the the link frame to this shape frame. More...
class  SetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  GetShapeKinematicProperties::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  GetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  SetShapeKinematicProperties::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  CollisionFilterMaskFeature::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  GetShapeCollisionProperties::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  GetShapeBoundingBox::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  SetShapeCollisionProperties::Implementation< PolicyT >
class  SetShapeCollisionProperties
 This feature sets the Shape collision properties such as the Shape surface friction coefficient and restitution coefficient. More...
class  SetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance
 This feature sets the Shape's slip compliance of the first and second friction direction in the friction pyramid model. More...
class  SetShapeKinematicProperties
class  SetShapeCollisionProperties::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  GetShapeBoundingBox::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  CollisionFilterMaskFeature::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  GetShapeCollisionProperties::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  SetShapeKinematicProperties::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  GetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  SetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  GetShapeKinematicProperties::Shape< PolicyT, FeaturesT >


namespace  gz
namespace  gz::physics