Gazebo Rendering

API Reference


Ogre2.x implementation of the scene class. More...

#include <Ogre2Scene.hh>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Ogre2Scene ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual math::Color AmbientLight () const override
virtual void Clear () override
virtual void Destroy () override
virtual RenderEngineEngine () const override
virtual void Fini () override
virtual Ogre::SceneManager * OgreSceneManager () const
 Get a pointer to the ogre scene manager. More...
virtual void PreRender () override
virtual VisualPtr RootVisual () const override
virtual void SetAmbientLight (const math::Color &_color) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseScene
virtual ~BaseScene ()
virtual math::Color BackgroundColor () const override
virtual ArrowVisualPtr CreateArrowVisual () override
virtual ArrowVisualPtr CreateArrowVisual (const std::string &_name) override
virtual ArrowVisualPtr CreateArrowVisual (unsigned int _id) override
virtual ArrowVisualPtr CreateArrowVisual (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual AxisVisualPtr CreateAxisVisual () override
virtual AxisVisualPtr CreateAxisVisual (const std::string &_name) override
virtual AxisVisualPtr CreateAxisVisual (unsigned int _id) override
virtual AxisVisualPtr CreateAxisVisual (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateBox () override
virtual CameraPtr CreateCamera () override
virtual CameraPtr CreateCamera (const std::string &_name) override
virtual CameraPtr CreateCamera (unsigned int _id) override
virtual CameraPtr CreateCamera (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateCone () override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateCylinder () override
virtual DepthCameraPtr CreateDepthCamera () override
virtual DepthCameraPtr CreateDepthCamera (const std::string &_name) override
virtual DepthCameraPtr CreateDepthCamera (const unsigned int _id) override
virtual DepthCameraPtr CreateDepthCamera (const unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual DirectionalLightPtr CreateDirectionalLight () override
virtual DirectionalLightPtr CreateDirectionalLight (const std::string &_name) override
virtual DirectionalLightPtr CreateDirectionalLight (unsigned int _id) override
virtual DirectionalLightPtr CreateDirectionalLight (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GizmoVisualPtr CreateGizmoVisual () override
virtual GizmoVisualPtr CreateGizmoVisual (const std::string &_name) override
virtual GizmoVisualPtr CreateGizmoVisual (unsigned int _id) override
virtual GizmoVisualPtr CreateGizmoVisual (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GpuRaysPtr CreateGpuRays () override
virtual GpuRaysPtr CreateGpuRays (const std::string &_name) override
virtual GpuRaysPtr CreateGpuRays (const unsigned int _id) override
virtual GpuRaysPtr CreateGpuRays (const unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GridPtr CreateGrid () override
virtual MarkerPtr CreateMarker () override
virtual MaterialPtr CreateMaterial (const common::Material &_material) override
virtual MaterialPtr CreateMaterial (const std::string &_name="") override
virtual MeshPtr CreateMesh (const common::Mesh *_mesh) override
virtual MeshPtr CreateMesh (const MeshDescriptor &_desc) override
virtual MeshPtr CreateMesh (const std::string &_meshName) override
virtual GeometryPtr CreatePlane () override
virtual PointLightPtr CreatePointLight () override
virtual PointLightPtr CreatePointLight (const std::string &_name) override
virtual PointLightPtr CreatePointLight (unsigned int _id) override
virtual PointLightPtr CreatePointLight (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual RayQueryPtr CreateRayQuery () override
virtual RenderTexturePtr CreateRenderTexture () override
virtual RenderWindowPtr CreateRenderWindow () override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateSphere () override
virtual SpotLightPtr CreateSpotLight () override
virtual SpotLightPtr CreateSpotLight (const std::string &_name) override
virtual SpotLightPtr CreateSpotLight (unsigned int _id) override
virtual SpotLightPtr CreateSpotLight (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual TextPtr CreateText () override
virtual ThermalCameraPtr CreateThermalCamera () override
virtual ThermalCameraPtr CreateThermalCamera (const std::string &_name) override
virtual ThermalCameraPtr CreateThermalCamera (const unsigned int _id) override
virtual ThermalCameraPtr CreateThermalCamera (const unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual VisualPtr CreateVisual () override
virtual VisualPtr CreateVisual (const std::string &_name) override
virtual VisualPtr CreateVisual (unsigned int _id) override
virtual VisualPtr CreateVisual (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual void DestroyLight (LightPtr _light, bool _recursive=false) override
virtual void DestroyLightById (unsigned int _id) override
virtual void DestroyLightByIndex (unsigned int _index) override
virtual void DestroyLightByName (const std::string &_name) override
virtual void DestroyLights () override
virtual void DestroyMaterial (MaterialPtr _material) override
virtual void DestroyMaterials () override
virtual void DestroyNode (NodePtr _node, bool _recursive=false) override
virtual void DestroyNodeById (unsigned int _id) override
virtual void DestroyNodeByIndex (unsigned int _index) override
virtual void DestroyNodeByName (const std::string &_name) override
virtual void DestroyNodes () override
virtual void DestroySensor (SensorPtr _sensor, bool _recursive=false) override
virtual void DestroySensorById (unsigned int _id) override
virtual void DestroySensorByIndex (unsigned int _index) override
virtual void DestroySensorByName (const std::string &_name) override
virtual void DestroySensors () override
virtual void DestroyVisual (VisualPtr _visual, bool _recursive=false) override
virtual void DestroyVisualById (unsigned int _id) override
virtual void DestroyVisualByIndex (unsigned int _index) override
virtual void DestroyVisualByName (const std::string &_name) override
virtual void DestroyVisuals () override
virtual std::array< math::Color, 4 > GradientBackgroundColor () const override
virtual bool HasLight (ConstLightPtr _light) const override
virtual bool HasLightId (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual bool HasLightName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual bool HasNode (ConstNodePtr _node) const override
virtual bool HasNodeId (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual bool HasNodeName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual bool HasSensor (ConstSensorPtr _sensor) const override
virtual bool HasSensorId (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual bool HasSensorName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual bool HasVisual (ConstVisualPtr _visual) const override
virtual bool HasVisualId (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual bool HasVisualName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual unsigned int Id () const override
virtual void Init () override
virtual bool IsGradientBackgroundColor () const override
virtual bool IsInitialized () const override
virtual bool IsLoaded () const
virtual LightPtr LightById (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual LightPtr LightByIndex (unsigned int _index) const override
virtual LightPtr LightByName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual unsigned int LightCount () const override
virtual void Load () override
virtual MaterialPtr Material (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual bool MaterialRegistered (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual std::string Name () const override
virtual NodePtr NodeById (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual NodePtr NodeByIndex (unsigned int _index) const override
virtual NodePtr NodeByName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual unsigned int NodeCount () const override
virtual void RegisterMaterial (const std::string &_name, MaterialPtr _material) override
virtual void RemoveGradientBackgroundColor () override
virtual SensorPtr SensorById (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual SensorPtr SensorByIndex (unsigned int _index) const override
virtual SensorPtr SensorByName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual unsigned int SensorCount () const override
virtual void SetAmbientLight (double _r, double _g, double _b, double _a=1.0) override
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (const math::Color &_color) override
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (double _r, double _g, double _b, double _a=1.0) override
virtual void SetGradientBackgroundColor (const std::array< math::Color, 4 > &_colors) override
virtual void SetSimTime (const common::Time &_time) override
virtual common::Time SimTime () const override
virtual void UnregisterMaterial (const std::string &_name) override
virtual void UnregisterMaterials () override
virtual VisualPtr VisualAt (const CameraPtr &_camera, const gz::math::Vector2i &_mousePos) override
virtual VisualPtr VisualById (unsigned int _id) const override
virtual VisualPtr VisualByIndex (unsigned int _index) const override
virtual VisualPtr VisualByName (const std::string &_name) const override
virtual unsigned int VisualCount () const override

Protected Member Functions

 Ogre2Scene (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ArrowVisualPtr CreateArrowVisualImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual AxisVisualPtr CreateAxisVisualImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateBoxImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual CameraPtr CreateCameraImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateConeImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GeometryPtr CreateCylinderImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual DepthCameraPtr CreateDepthCameraImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual DirectionalLightPtr CreateDirectionalLightImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual GizmoVisualPtr CreateGizmoVisualImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Implementation for creating a GizmoVisual. More...
virtual GpuRaysPtr CreateGpuRaysImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Implementation for creating GpuRays sensor. More...
virtual GridPtr CreateGridImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Implementation for creating a grid geometry object. More...
virtual MarkerPtr CreateMarkerImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Implementation for creating a marker geometry object. More...
virtual MaterialPtr CreateMaterialImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual MeshPtr CreateMeshImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name, const MeshDescriptor &_desc) override
virtual MeshPtr CreateMeshImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name, const std::string &_meshName)
 Create a mesh object based on its name. More...
virtual GeometryPtr CreatePlaneImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual PointLightPtr CreatePointLightImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual RayQueryPtr CreateRayQueryImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual RenderTexturePtr CreateRenderTextureImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual RenderWindowPtr CreateRenderWindowImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Render engine specific implementation for creating a render window. More...
virtual GeometryPtr CreateSphereImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual SpotLightPtr CreateSpotLightImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual TextPtr CreateTextImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Implementation for creating a text's geometry object. More...
virtual ThermalCameraPtr CreateThermalCameraImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
 Implementation for creating a thermal camera. More...
virtual VisualPtr CreateVisualImpl (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name) override
virtual bool InitImpl () override
virtual bool InitObject (Ogre2ObjectPtr _object, unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name)
 Helper function to initialize an ogre2 object. More...
virtual LightStorePtr Lights () const override
virtual bool LoadImpl () override
virtual MaterialMapPtr Materials () const override
virtual SensorStorePtr Sensors () const override
virtual VisualStorePtr Visuals () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseScene
 BaseScene (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_name)
virtual unsigned int CreateObjectId ()
virtual std::string CreateObjectName (unsigned int _id, const std::string &_prefix)
virtual bool RegisterLight (LightPtr _light)
virtual bool RegisterSensor (SensorPtr _vensor)
virtual bool RegisterVisual (VisualPtr _visual)

Protected Attributes

Ogre2LightStorePtr lights
 A list of ogre lights. More...
Ogre2MaterialMapPtr materials
 A list of ogre materials. More...
Ogre2MeshFactoryPtr meshFactory
 Mesh factory for generating ogre meshes. More...
Ogre::SceneManager * ogreSceneManager = nullptr
 Pointer to the ogre scene manager. More...
Ogre2VisualPtr rootVisual
 Root visual in the scene. More...
Ogre2SensorStorePtr sensors
 A list of ogre sensors, e.g. cameras. More...
Ogre2VisualStorePtr visuals
 A list of ogre visuals. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseScene
math::Color backgroundColor
 Scene background color. Default should be black. More...
std::array< math::Color, 4 > gradientBackgroundColor
 The four corners of the gradient background color. Next is the description of how to interpret each value of the array: 0: Top left corner color. 1: Bottom left corner color. 2: Top right corner color. 3: Bottom right corner color. Default should be black. More...
unsigned int id
bool initialized
bool isGradientBackgroundColor = false
 Whether the scene has a gradient background. More...
bool loaded
std::string name
common::Time simTime

Detailed Description

Ogre2.x implementation of the scene class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Ogre2Scene()

Ogre2Scene ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 


[in]_idUnique scene Id
[in]_nameScene name

◆ ~Ogre2Scene()

virtual ~Ogre2Scene ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AmbientLight()

virtual math::Color AmbientLight ( ) const

◆ Clear()

virtual void Clear ( )

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ CreateArrowVisualImpl()

virtual ArrowVisualPtr CreateArrowVisualImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateAxisVisualImpl()

virtual AxisVisualPtr CreateAxisVisualImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateBoxImpl()

virtual GeometryPtr CreateBoxImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateCameraImpl()

virtual CameraPtr CreateCameraImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateConeImpl()

virtual GeometryPtr CreateConeImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateCylinderImpl()

virtual GeometryPtr CreateCylinderImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateDepthCameraImpl()

virtual DepthCameraPtr CreateDepthCameraImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateDirectionalLightImpl()

virtual DirectionalLightPtr CreateDirectionalLightImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateGizmoVisualImpl()

virtual GizmoVisualPtr CreateGizmoVisualImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implementation for creating a GizmoVisual.

[in]_idUnique id
[in]_nameName of GizmoVisual

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ CreateGpuRaysImpl()

virtual GpuRaysPtr CreateGpuRaysImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implementation for creating GpuRays sensor.

[in]_idUnique id
[in]_nameName of GpuRays sensor

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ CreateGridImpl()

virtual GridPtr CreateGridImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implementation for creating a grid geometry object.

[in]_idunique object id.
[in]_nameunique object name.
Pointer to a grid geometry object

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateMarkerImpl()

virtual MarkerPtr CreateMarkerImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implementation for creating a marker geometry object.

[in]_idunique object id.
[in]_nameunique object name.
Pointer to a marker geometry object

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateMaterialImpl()

virtual MaterialPtr CreateMaterialImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateMeshImpl() [1/2]

virtual MeshPtr CreateMeshImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name,
const MeshDescriptor _desc 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateMeshImpl() [2/2]

virtual MeshPtr CreateMeshImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name,
const std::string _meshName 

Create a mesh object based on its name.

[in]_idUnique Id to assign to the mesh
[in]_nameName to assign to the mesh
[in]_meshNameName of the mesh to create

◆ CreatePlaneImpl()

virtual GeometryPtr CreatePlaneImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreatePointLightImpl()

virtual PointLightPtr CreatePointLightImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateRayQueryImpl()

virtual RayQueryPtr CreateRayQueryImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateRenderTextureImpl()

virtual RenderTexturePtr CreateRenderTextureImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateRenderWindowImpl()

virtual RenderWindowPtr CreateRenderWindowImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Render engine specific implementation for creating a render window.

[in]_idunique object id
[in]_nameobject name
Pointer to the created render window.

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateSphereImpl()

virtual GeometryPtr CreateSphereImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateSpotLightImpl()

virtual SpotLightPtr CreateSpotLightImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ CreateTextImpl()

virtual TextPtr CreateTextImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implementation for creating a text's geometry object.

[in]_idunique object id.
[in]_nameunique object name.
Pointer to a text geometry object

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ CreateThermalCameraImpl()

virtual ThermalCameraPtr CreateThermalCameraImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implementation for creating a thermal camera.

[in]_idUnique id
[in]_nameName of thermal camera

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ CreateVisualImpl()

virtual VisualPtr CreateVisualImpl ( unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Implements BaseScene.

◆ Destroy()

virtual void Destroy ( )

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ Engine()

virtual RenderEngine* Engine ( ) const

◆ Fini()

virtual void Fini ( )

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ InitImpl()

virtual bool InitImpl ( )

Implements BaseScene.

◆ InitObject()

virtual bool InitObject ( Ogre2ObjectPtr  _object,
unsigned int  _id,
const std::string _name 

Helper function to initialize an ogre2 object.

[in]_objectOgre2 object that will be initialized
[in]_idUnique Id to assign to the object
[in]_nameName to assign to the object

◆ Lights()

virtual LightStorePtr Lights ( ) const

Implements BaseScene.

◆ LoadImpl()

virtual bool LoadImpl ( )

Implements BaseScene.

◆ Materials()

virtual MaterialMapPtr Materials ( ) const

Implements BaseScene.

◆ OgreSceneManager()

virtual Ogre::SceneManager* OgreSceneManager ( ) const

Get a pointer to the ogre scene manager.

Pointer to the ogre scene manager

◆ PreRender()

virtual void PreRender ( )

Reimplemented from BaseScene.

◆ RootVisual()

virtual VisualPtr RootVisual ( ) const

◆ Sensors()

virtual SensorStorePtr Sensors ( ) const

Implements BaseScene.

◆ SetAmbientLight()

virtual void SetAmbientLight ( const math::Color _color)

Implements BaseScene.

◆ Visuals()

virtual VisualStorePtr Visuals ( ) const

Implements BaseScene.

Member Data Documentation

◆ lights

Ogre2LightStorePtr lights

A list of ogre lights.

◆ materials

Ogre2MaterialMapPtr materials

A list of ogre materials.

◆ meshFactory

Ogre2MeshFactoryPtr meshFactory

Mesh factory for generating ogre meshes.

◆ ogreSceneManager

Ogre::SceneManager* ogreSceneManager = nullptr

Pointer to the ogre scene manager.

◆ rootVisual

Ogre2VisualPtr rootVisual

Root visual in the scene.

◆ sensors

Ogre2SensorStorePtr sensors

A list of ogre sensors, e.g. cameras.

◆ visuals

Ogre2VisualStorePtr visuals

A list of ogre visuals.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: