If your feature is known to require any other features, then you should have your feature class inher...
Definition: gz/physics/FeatureList.hh:118
Placeholder class in case a Feature does not define its own Shape API.
Definition: gz/physics/Feature.hh:85
virtual uint16_t GetCollisionFilterMask(const Identity &_shapeID) const =0
void SetCollisionFilterMask(const uint16_t _mask)
Set the collision filter bitmask of this shape.
bool SetPrimarySlipCompliance(Scalar _value)
Set the slip compliance for the first friction direction of a friction pyramid model.
This feature retrieves the shape's axis aligned bounding box in the requested frame....
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:138
typename FromPolicy< PolicyT >::template Use< AlignedBox > AlignedBoxType
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:165
bool SetSecondarySlipCompliance(Scalar _value)
Set the slip compliance for the second friction direction of a friction pyramid model.
uint16_t GetCollisionFilterMask() const
Get the collision filter bitmask of this shape.
This struct is used to conveniently convert from a policy to a geometric type. Example usage:
Definition: gz/physics/Geometry.hh:77
Scalar GetRestitutionCoefficient(const BaseShapePtr< PolicyT > &_other) const
Get the coefficient of restitution between this shape and another shape.
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:125
virtual Scalar GetShapeFrictionPyramidPrimarySlipCompliance(const Identity &_shapeID) const =0
virtual bool SetShapeFrictionPyramidSecondarySlipCompliance(const Identity &_shapeID, Scalar _value)=0
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:327
virtual Scalar GetShapeFrictionPyramidSecondarySlipCompliance(const Identity &_shapeID) const =0
virtual void SetShapeFrictionCoefficient(const Identity &_shape0, const Identity &_shape1, Scalar _value)=0
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:162
Container for specifying Frame IDs. We do not want to use a generic integer type for this,...
Definition: gz/physics/FrameID.hh:46
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:266
void RemoveCollisionFilterMask()
Removes the collision filter bitmask from this shape.
virtual void SetShapeRestitutionCoefficient(const Identity &_shape0, const Identity &_shape1, Scalar _value)=0
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:303
virtual bool SetShapeFrictionPyramidPrimarySlipCompliance(const Identity &_shapeID, Scalar _value)=0
This feature retrieves the shape collision properties such as the shape surface friction coefficient ...
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:94
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:184
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:98
This feature sets the Shape collision properties such as the Shape surface friction coefficient and r...
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:178
virtual AlignedBoxType GetShapeAxisAlignedBoundingBox(const Identity &_shape) const =0
Implementation function for querying the axis-aligned bounding box of a shape.
typename FromPolicy< PolicyT >::template Use< Pose > PoseType
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:40
virtual PoseType GetShapeRelativeTransform(const Identity &_shapeID) const =0
virtual void SetShapeRelativeTransform(const Identity &_shapeID, const PoseType &_pose)=0
virtual void SetCollisionFilterMask(const Identity &_shapeID, const uint16_t _mask)=0
typename FromPolicy< PolicyT >::template Use< Pose > PoseType
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:69
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:246
typename FromPolicy< PolicyT >::template Use< Pose > PoseType
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:84
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:210
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:268
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:286
void SetFrictionCoefficient(const BaseShapePtr< PolicyT > &_other, Scalar _value)
Set the coefficient of friction between this shape and another shape.
Definition: gz/physics/Feature.hh:92
This class defines the concept of a Feature. It should be inherited by classes that define some plugi...
Definition: gz/physics/Feature.hh:35
This feature retrieves the shape kinematic properties such as the the relative transform from the the...
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:33
This feature retrieves the shape's slip compliance of the first and second friction direction in the ...
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:262
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:51
This feature sets the Shape's slip compliance of the first and second friction direction in the frict...
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:299
PoseType GetRelativeTransform() const
Get the transform from the Link frame to the frame of this Shape.
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:284
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:62
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:37
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:325
Scalar GetFrictionCoefficient(const BaseShapePtr< PolicyT > &_other) const
Get the coefficient of friction between this shape and another shape.
void SetRestitutionCoefficient(const BaseShapePtr< PolicyT > &_other, Scalar _value)
Set the coefficient of restitution between this shape and another shape.
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:225
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:305
void SetRelativeTransform(const PoseType &_pose)
Set the transform from the Link frame to the frame of this Shape.
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:81
AlignedBoxType GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(const FrameID &_referenceFrame=FrameID::World()) const
Get the axis aligned bounding box for the shape in the requested frame.
virtual void RemoveCollisionFilterMask(const Identity &_shapeID)=0
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:142
typename FromPolicy< PolicyT >::template Use< AlignedBox > AlignedBoxType
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:146
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:66
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:208
virtual Scalar GetRestitutionCoefficient(const Identity &_shape0, const Identity &_shape1) const =0
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:123
Scalar GetSecondarySlipCompliance() const
Get the slip compliance for the second friction direction of a friction pyramid model.
Scalar GetPrimarySlipCompliance() const
Get the slip compliance for the first friction direction of a friction pyramid model.
virtual Scalar GetFrictionCoefficient(const Identity &_shape0, const Identity &_shape1) const =0
typename FromPolicy< PolicyT >::template Use< Pose > PoseType
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:54
Base class for the API of a Frame. This will be inherited by any objects that are able to express Fra...
Definition: gz/physics/FrameSemantics.hh:41
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:182
typename PolicyT::Scalar Scalar
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:100
Definition: gz/physics/Shape.hh:229