Gazebo Rendering

API Reference


Ogre2.x implementation of the visual class. More...

#include <Ogre2Visual.hh>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Ogre2Visual ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual gz::math::AxisAlignedBox BoundingBox () const override
 Get the bounding box in world frame coordinates. More...
virtual gz::math::AxisAlignedBox LocalBoundingBox () const override
 Get the local bounding box of the visual. More...
virtual void SetStatic (bool _static) override
 Tells Render Engine this Visual will be static (i.e. won't move, rotate or scale) You can still move, rotate or scale the Visual; however doing so has a performance impact. How much of an impact will depend on the rendering backend being used. More...
virtual void SetVisibilityFlags (uint32_t _flags) override
 Set visibility flags. More...
virtual void SetVisible (bool _visible) override
 Specify if this visual is visible. More...
virtual void SetWireframe (bool _show) override
 Enable or disable wireframe. More...
virtual bool Static () const override
 Get whether the visual is static. More...
virtual bool Wireframe () const override
 Get whether wireframe is enabled for this visual. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >
virtual ~BaseVisual ()
virtual void AddGeometry (GeometryPtr _geometry) override
 Add the given geometry to this visual. If the given node is already attached, no work will be done. More...
virtual void AddVisibilityFlags (uint32_t _flags) override
 Add visibility flags. More...
virtual VisualPtr Clone (const std::string &_name, NodePtr _newParent) const override
 Clone the visual (and its children) with a new name. More...
virtual void Destroy () override
 Destroy any resources associated with this object. Invoking any other functions after destroying an object will result in undefined behavior. More...
virtual GeometryPtr GeometryByIndex (unsigned int _index) const override
 Get geometry at given index. If no geometry exists at given index, NULL will be returned. More...
virtual unsigned int GeometryCount () const override
 Get the number of geometries attached to this visual. More...
virtual bool HasGeometry (ConstGeometryPtr _geometry) const override
 Determine if given geometry is attached to this visual. More...
virtual math::Pose3d LocalPose () const override
 Get the local pose. More...
virtual MaterialPtr Material () const override
 Get the material assigned to attached visuals and geometries. More...
virtual void PreRender () override
 Prepare this object and any of its children for rendering. This should be called for each object in a scene just before rendering, which can be achieved by a single call to Scene::PreRender. More...
virtual void RemoveGeometries () override
 Remove all attached geometries from this visual. More...
virtual GeometryPtr RemoveGeometry (GeometryPtr _geometry) override
 Remove the given geometry from this visual. If the given node is not a child of this visual, no work will be done. More...
virtual GeometryPtr RemoveGeometryByIndex (unsigned int _index) override
 Remove the geometry at the given index from this visual. If the specified node is not attached this visual, no work will be done. More...
virtual void RemoveVisibilityFlags (uint32_t _flags) override
 Remove visibility flags. More...
virtual void SetChildMaterial (MaterialPtr _material, bool _unique=true) override
 Set the material for all attached visuals only. More...
virtual void SetGeometryMaterial (MaterialPtr _material, bool _unique=true) override
 Set the material for all attached geometries only. More...
virtual void SetLocalPose (const math::Pose3d &_pose) override
 Set the local pose. More...
virtual void SetMaterial (const std::string &_name, bool _unique=true) override
 Set the material for all attached visuals and geometries. The specified material will be retrieved from Scene::Material using the given material name. If no material is registered with the given name, no work will be done. More...
virtual void SetMaterial (MaterialPtr _material, bool _unique=true) override
 Set the material for all attached visuals and geometries. More...
virtual uint32_t VisibilityFlags () const override
 Get visibility flags. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Visual
virtual ~Visual ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node
virtual ~Node ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual ~Object ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual unsigned int Id () const =0
 Get the object ID. This ID will be unique across all objects inside a given scene, but necessarily true for objects across different scenes. More...
virtual std::string Name () const =0
 Get the object name. This name will be unique across all objects inside a given scene, but necessarily true for objects across different scenes. More...
virtual void PostRender ()=0
 Post process this object and any of its children after rendering. More...
virtual ScenePtr Scene () const =0
 Get the Scene that created this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre2Node
virtual ~Ogre2Node ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool HasParent () const override
 Determine if this Node is attached to another Node. More...
virtual bool InheritScale () const override
 Determine if this node inherits scale from this parent. More...
virtual math::Vector3d LocalScale () const override
 Get the local scale. More...
virtual Ogre::SceneNode * Node () const
 Get a pointer to the underlying scene node. More...
virtual NodePtr Parent () const override
 Get the parent Node. More...
virtual void SetInheritScale (bool _inherit) override
 Specify if this node inherits scale from its parent. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseNode< Ogre2Object >
virtual ~BaseNode ()
virtual void AddChild (NodePtr _child) override
 Add the given node to this node. If the given node is already a child, no work will be done. More...
virtual NodePtr ChildById (unsigned int _id) const override
 Get node with given ID. If no child exists with given ID, NULL will be returned. More...
virtual NodePtr ChildByIndex (unsigned int _index) const override
 Get node at given index. If no child exists at given index, NULL will be returned. More...
virtual NodePtr ChildByName (const std::string &_name) const override
 Get node with given name. If no child exists with given name, NULL will be returned. More...
virtual unsigned int ChildCount () const override
 Get number of child nodes. More...
virtual bool HasChild (ConstNodePtr _child) const override
 Determine if given node is an attached child. More...
virtual bool HasChildId (unsigned int _id) const override
 Determine if node with given ID is an attached child. More...
virtual bool HasChildName (const std::string &_name) const override
 Determine if node with given name is an attached child. More...
virtual bool HasUserData (const std::string &_key) const override
 Check if node has custom data. More...
virtual math::Pose3d InitialLocalPose () const override
 Get the initial local pose. More...
virtual math::Vector3d LocalPosition () const override
 Get the local position. More...
virtual math::Quaterniond LocalRotation () const override
 Get the local rotation. More...
virtual math::Vector3d Origin () const override
 Get position of origin. More...
virtual NodePtr RemoveChild (NodePtr _child) override
 Remove (detach) the given node from this node. If the given node is not a child of this node, no work will be done. More...
virtual NodePtr RemoveChildById (unsigned int _id) override
 Remove (detach) the node with the given ID from this node. If the specified node is not a child of this node, no work will be done. More...
virtual NodePtr RemoveChildByIndex (unsigned int _index) override
 Remove (detach) the node at the given index from this node. If the specified node is not a child of this node, no work will be done. More...
virtual NodePtr RemoveChildByName (const std::string &_name) override
 Remove (detach) the node with the given name from this node. If the specified node is not a child of this node, no work will be done. More...
virtual void RemoveChildren () override
 Remove all child nodes from this node This detaches all the child nodes but does not destroy them. More...
virtual void RemoveParent () override
 Detach this Node from its parent. If this Node does not have a parent, no work will be done. More...
virtual void Scale (const math::Vector3d &_scale) override
 Scale the current scale by the given scalars. More...
virtual void Scale (double _scale) override
 Scale the current scale by the given scalar. The given scalar will be assigned to the x, y, and z coordinates. More...
virtual void Scale (double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Scale the current scale by the given scalars. More...
virtual void SetLocalPosition (const math::Vector3d &_position) override
 Set the local position. More...
virtual void SetLocalPosition (double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set the local position. More...
virtual void SetLocalRotation (const math::Quaterniond &_rotation) override
 Set the local rotation. More...
virtual void SetLocalRotation (double _r, double _p, double _y) override
 Set the local rotation. More...
virtual void SetLocalRotation (double _w, double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set the local rotation. More...
virtual void SetLocalScale (const math::Vector3d &_scale) override
 Set the local scale. More...
virtual void SetLocalScale (double _scale) override
 Set the local scale. The given scale will be assigned to the x, y, and z coordinates. More...
virtual void SetLocalScale (double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set the local scale. More...
virtual void SetOrigin (const math::Vector3d &_origin) override
 Set position of origin. The position should be relative to the original origin of the geometry. More...
virtual void SetOrigin (double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set position of origin. The position should be relative to the original origin of the geometry. More...
virtual void SetUserData (const std::string &_key, Variant _value) override
 Store any custom data associated with this node. More...
virtual void SetWorldPose (const math::Pose3d &_pose) override
 Set the world pose. More...
virtual void SetWorldPosition (const math::Vector3d &_position) override
 Set the world position. More...
virtual void SetWorldPosition (double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set the world position. More...
virtual void SetWorldRotation (const math::Quaterniond &_rotation) override
 Set the world rotation. More...
virtual void SetWorldRotation (double _r, double _p, double _y) override
 Set the world rotation. More...
virtual void SetWorldRotation (double _w, double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set the world rotation. More...
virtual void SetWorldScale (const math::Vector3d &_scale) override
 Set the world scale. More...
virtual void SetWorldScale (double _scale) override
 Set the world scale. The given scale will be assigned to the x, y, and z coordinates. More...
virtual void SetWorldScale (double _x, double _y, double _z) override
 Set the world scale. More...
virtual Variant UserData (const std::string &_key) const override
 Get custom data stored in this node. More...
virtual math::Pose3d WorldPose () const override
 Get the world pose. More...
virtual math::Vector3d WorldPosition () const override
 Get the world position. More...
virtual math::Quaterniond WorldRotation () const override
 Get the world rotation. More...
virtual math::Vector3d WorldScale () const override
 Get the world scale. More...
virtual math::Pose3d WorldToLocal (const math::Pose3d &_pose) const override
 Convert given world pose to local pose. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre2Object
virtual ~Ogre2Object ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual ScenePtr Scene () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
virtual ~BaseObject ()
virtual unsigned int Id () const override
virtual std::string Name () const override
virtual void PostRender () override

Protected Member Functions

 Ogre2Visual ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual bool AttachGeometry (GeometryPtr _geometry) override
virtual bool DetachGeometry (GeometryPtr _geometry) override
virtual GeometryStorePtr Geometries () const override
virtual void Init () override
 Initialize the visual. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >
 BaseVisual ()
virtual void PreRenderChildren () override
virtual void PreRenderGeometries ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ogre2Node
 Ogre2Node ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual bool AttachChild (NodePtr _child) override
virtual NodeStorePtr Children () const override
virtual bool DetachChild (NodePtr _child) override
virtual void Load () override
virtual math::Pose3d RawLocalPose () const override
virtual math::Vector3d RawLocalPosition () const
 Get the raw local position of the node. More...
virtual math::Quaterniond RawLocalRotation () const
 Get the raw local rotation of the node. More...
virtual void SetLocalScaleImpl (const math::Vector3d &_scale) override
 Implementation of the SetLocalScale function. More...
virtual void SetParent (Ogre2NodePtr _parent)
 Set the parent node. More...
virtual void SetRawLocalPose (const math::Pose3d &_Pose3d) override
virtual void SetRawLocalPosition (const math::Vector3d &_position)
 Set the raw local position of the node. More...
virtual void SetRawLocalRotation (const math::Quaterniond &_rotation)
 Set the raw local rotation of the node. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseNode< Ogre2Object >
 BaseNode ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ogre2Object
 Ogre2Object ()
 Constructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
 BaseObject ()

Protected Attributes

Ogre2GeometryStorePtr geometries
 Pointer to the attached geometries. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >
gz::math::AxisAlignedBox boundingBox
 The bounding box of the visual. More...
MaterialPtr material
 Pointer to material assigned to this visual. More...
uint32_t visibilityFlags
 Visual's visibility flags. More...
bool wireframe
 True if wireframe mode is enabled else false. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ogre2Node
Ogre2NodeStorePtr children
 A list of child nodes. More...
Ogre::SceneNode * ogreNode = nullptr
 The underlying ogre scene node. More...
Ogre2NodePtr parent
 Pointer to the parent ogre node. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseNode< Ogre2Object >
gz::math::Pose3d initialLocalPose
 Initial local pose for this node. More...
bool initialLocalPoseSet
 Flag to indicate whether initial local pose is set for this node. More...
math::Vector3d origin
std::map< std::string, VariantuserData
 A map of custom key value data. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ogre2Object
Ogre2ScenePtr scene
 Pointer to the ogre scene. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseObject
unsigned int id
std::string name

Detailed Description

Ogre2.x implementation of the visual class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Ogre2Visual()

Ogre2Visual ( )


◆ ~Ogre2Visual()

virtual ~Ogre2Visual ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AttachGeometry()

virtual bool AttachGeometry ( GeometryPtr  _geometry)

◆ BoundingBox()

virtual gz::math::AxisAlignedBox BoundingBox ( ) const

Get the bounding box in world frame coordinates.

The axis aligned bounding box

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

◆ DetachGeometry()

virtual bool DetachGeometry ( GeometryPtr  _geometry)

◆ Geometries()

virtual GeometryStorePtr Geometries ( ) const

◆ Init()

◆ LocalBoundingBox()

virtual gz::math::AxisAlignedBox LocalBoundingBox ( ) const

Get the local bounding box of the visual.

The local bounding box

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

◆ SetStatic()

virtual void SetStatic ( bool  _static)

Tells Render Engine this Visual will be static (i.e. won't move, rotate or scale) You can still move, rotate or scale the Visual; however doing so has a performance impact. How much of an impact will depend on the rendering backend being used.

Performance impact of switching staticness depends on on engine. In ogre2 it isn't expensive but it isn't free either. Try to minimize transitions. Raytracing engines may rely on this information for their BVH structures TODO(anyone): Staticness should be ideally be supplied during construction for maximum performance
ogre2 specific: OgreNext keeps 2 lists of objects. Dynamic and Static. Every frame OgreNext iterates through all nodes & items in the dynamic lists and forcefully updates them (regardless of whether they have actually changed). This may sound slow but Ogre 1.x worked by only updating those objects that have changed, and it was slower. CPUs care a lot more about processing in bulk and having all the data hot in cache.

For the static list, it only iterates through the entire list in that frame when the whole list is tagged as dirty. If one element changes, then the whole list is dirty (OgreNext might be able to optimize it and only update a part of the list by narrowing).

Changing a static node transform implies calling OgreNext's notifyStaticDirty. This is very cheap so it can be called whenever a static object changes. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that notifyStaticDirty should be called as little as possible. And by "as little as possible" that means ideally it should not be called ever except when loading a scene or when something relevant changed. If it gets called e.g. once per frame or more then it's the same as having all objects dynamic.

Thus if an object is static, make sure you don't keep moving around because it negates the performance of all static objects.

(INTERNAL) For implementations: Dynamic Scene Node + Dynamic MovableObject = Valid Static Scene Node + Static MovableObject = Valid Static Scene Node + Dynamic MovableObject = Valid, but rarely makes sense Dynamic Scene Node + Static MovableObject = Invalid
[in]_staticTrue if this visual should be made static

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

◆ SetVisibilityFlags()

virtual void SetVisibilityFlags ( uint32_t  _flags)

Set visibility flags.

[in]_flagsVisibility flags

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

◆ SetVisible()

virtual void SetVisible ( bool  _visible)

Specify if this visual is visible.

[in]_visibleTrue if this visual should be made visible

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

Reimplemented in Ogre2LidarVisual, BaseJointVisual< Ogre2Visual >, BaseAxisVisual< Ogre2Visual >, and BaseArrowVisual< Ogre2Visual >.

◆ SetWireframe()

virtual void SetWireframe ( bool  _show)

Enable or disable wireframe.

[in]_showTrue to enable wireframe

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

◆ Static()

virtual bool Static ( ) const

Get whether the visual is static.

True if the visual is static, false otherwise
See also

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

◆ Wireframe()

virtual bool Wireframe ( ) const

Get whether wireframe is enabled for this visual.

True if wireframe is enabled for this visual.

Reimplemented from BaseVisual< Ogre2Node >.

Member Data Documentation

◆ geometries

Ogre2GeometryStorePtr geometries

Pointer to the attached geometries.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: