Gazebo Rendering

API Reference

gz/rendering/RenderTypes.hh File Reference
#include <memory>
#include <gz/rendering/config.hh>

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 Rendering classes and function useful in robot applications.


 Render everything visibility mask. More...
#define GZ_VISIBILITY_GUI   0x00000001
 Render GUI visuals mask. More...
#define GZ_VISIBILITY_SELECTABLE   0x00000002
 Render visuals that are selectable mask. More...
#define GZ_VISIBILITY_SELECTION   0x10000000
 Renders only objects that can be selected. More...


typedef shared_ptr< ArrowVisual > ArrowVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to ArrowVisual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< AxisVisual > AxisVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to AxisVisual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< BoundingBoxCamera > BoundingBoxCameraPtr
 Shared pointer to BoundingBoxCamera. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Camera > CameraPtr
 Shared pointer to Camera. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Capsule > CapsulePtr
 Shared pointer to Capsule. More...
typedef shared_ptr< COMVisual > COMVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to COMVisual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< const ArrowVisual > ConstArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const AxisVisual > ConstAxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const BoundingBoxCamera > ConstBoundingBoxCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Camera > ConstCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const DepthCamera > ConstDepthCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const DirectionalLight > ConstDirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const GaussianNoisePass > ConstGaussianNoisePass
 Shared pointer to const GaussianNoisePass. More...
typedef shared_ptr< const Geometry > ConstGeometryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const GizmoVisual > ConstGizmoVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const GpuRays > ConstGpuRaysPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Heightmap > ConstHeightmapPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Image > ConstImagePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const JointVisual > ConstJointVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const LidarVisual > ConstLidarVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Light > ConstLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Material > ConstMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Mesh > ConstMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Node > ConstNodePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ObjectFactory > ConstObjectFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Object > ConstObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ParticleEmitter > ConstParticleEmitterPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const PointLight > ConstPointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Projector > ConstProjectorPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RayQuery > ConstRayQueryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderPass > ConstRenderPassPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderPassSystem > ConstRenderPassSystemPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderTarget > ConstRenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderTexture > ConstRenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderWindow > ConstRenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Scene > ConstScenePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SegmentationCamera > ConstSegmentationCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Sensor > ConstSensorPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ShaderParams > ConstShaderParamsPtr
 Shared pointer to const ShaderParams. More...
typedef shared_ptr< const SpotLight > ConstSpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SubMesh > ConstSubMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Text > ConstTextPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ThermalCamera > ConstThermalCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Visual > ConstVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const WideAngleCamera > ConstWideAngleCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DepthCamera > DepthCameraPtr
 Shared pointer to DepthCamera. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DirectionalLight > DirectionalLightPtr
 Shared pointer to DirectionalLight. More...
typedef shared_ptr< DistortionPass > DistortionPassPtr
 Shared pointer to DistortionPass. More...
typedef shared_ptr< GaussianNoisePass > GaussianNoisePassPtr
 Shared pointer to GaussianNoisePass. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Geometry > GeometryPtr
 Shared pointer to Geometry. More...
typedef shared_ptr< GizmoVisual > GizmoVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to GizmoVisual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< GpuRays > GpuRaysPtr
 Shared pointer to GpuRays. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Grid > GridPtr
 Shared pointer to Grid. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Heightmap > HeightmapPtr
 Shared pointer to Heightmap. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Image > ImagePtr
 Shared pointer to Image. More...
typedef shared_ptr< InertiaVisual > InertiaVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< JointVisual > JointVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to JointVisual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< LidarVisual > LidarVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to LidarVisual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Light > LightPtr
 Shared pointer to Light. More...
typedef shared_ptr< LightVisual > LightVisualPtr
 Shared pointer to Light. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Marker > MarkerPtr
 Shared pointer to Marker. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Material > MaterialPtr
 Shared pointer to Material. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Mesh > MeshPtr
 Shared pointer to Mesh. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Node > NodePtr
 Shared pointer to Node. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ObjectFactory > ObjectFactoryPtr
 Shared pointer to ObjectFactory. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Object > ObjectPtr
 Shared pointer to Object. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ParticleEmitter > ParticleEmitterPtr
 Shared pointer to ParticleEmitter. More...
typedef shared_ptr< PointLight > PointLightPtr
 Shared pointer to PointLight. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Projector > ProjectorPtr
 Shared pointer to Projector. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RayQuery > RayQueryPtr
 Shared pointer to RayQuery. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPass > RenderPassPtr
 Shared pointer to RenderPass. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassSystem > RenderPassSystemPtr
 Shared pointer to RenderPassSystem. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderTarget > RenderTargetPtr
 Shared pointer to RenderTarget. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderTexture > RenderTexturePtr
 Shared pointer to RenderTexture. More...
typedef shared_ptr< RenderWindow > RenderWindowPtr
 Shared pointer to RenderWindow. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Scene > ScenePtr
 Shared pointer to Scene. More...
typedef shared_ptr< SegmentationCamera > SegmentationCameraPtr
 Shared pointer to Segmentation Camera. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Sensor > SensorPtr
 Shared pointer to Sensor. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ShaderParams > ShaderParamsPtr
 Shared pointer to ShaderParams. More...
template<class T >
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr< T >
typedef shared_ptr< SpotLight > SpotLightPtr
 Shared pointer to SpotLight. More...
typedef shared_ptr< SubMesh > SubMeshPtr
 Shared pointer to SubMesh. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Text > TextPtr
 Shared pointer to Text. More...
typedef shared_ptr< ThermalCamera > ThermalCameraPtr
 Shared pointer to ThermalCamera. More...
typedef shared_ptr< Visual > VisualPtr
 Shared pointer to Visual. More...
typedef shared_ptr< WideAngleCamera > WideAngleCameraPtr
 Shared pointer to Wide Angle Camera. More...
typedef shared_ptr< WireBox > WireBoxPtr
 Shared pointer to WireBox. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Render everything visibility mask.


GZ_VISIBILITY_GUI   0x00000001

Render GUI visuals mask.



Render visuals that are selectable mask.



Renders only objects that can be selected.